Saturday, June 7

Teddy Bear Graduation day!

Wina graduated from her preschool today! Yay!!! Lol, these days.... even preschool has a graduation :)

She's moving up to kindergarten now. I don't think I wanna move her out of Teddy Bear yet. Wina has settled nicely here, made a lot of friends, familiar enviorement and teachers. I don't think she's ready to adjust to a new enviroment any time soon. Let's just give her a couple more years, then I'll put her in one of the best primary school near area.
Angklung Musical in Minang Traditional dress (left), Ballet Group (right)
She got to perform on her Graduation Day, angklung performances wearing Minang traditional costume, and a ballet group. Bravo Wina, you really have improve and outcome the stage fear!


Anonymous said...

Hello my dear,
it is Ayyyah, lagi transit di Changi airport otw to Frankfurt.

Wina has been graduated and now is probably bored.. no school.. she likes school ya Wina.

I will take you to swimming pool, promise! I miss you dear..

Anonymous said...

Hello my dear,
it is Ayyyah, lagi transit di Changi airport otw to Frankfurt.

Wina has been graduated and now is probably bored.. no school.. she likes school ya Wina.

I will take you to swimming pool, promise! I miss you dear..

Unknown said...

hallo Utie..
waaa..Wina sudah besar ya & terlihat semakin cantik..hehehe.. tp masih malu2 ya seperti terakhir ketemu..
kapan niy kita ketemuan lg?.. loe dah jarang ol ya..

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures!

All Your Favourites said...

Hi... This is really cute photos...
Keep it up friend.

Mar 27 2007