Friday, March 16

Favorite Spot

This is the spot where she puts all her toys up when playing and watching dvd. Spot to jump up and down. Also the spot to count how many buses and trams passing by (never ending game). Anyway, can you guess which one is wina? hehehe.....


Rahmi Sukma said...

Waaaah pemandangan di apartemennya keren. Huuuuu.... Kapan yak bisa ke sana?
Nebak Wina? Pasti dunk itu yang paling cantik!

Unknown said...

setuju dgn Wina..pemandangan dr spot itu memang keren sekali..(gw sempet foto2 view HK city dr situ soalnya..hehe)..
paling lucu pas malem2 ngeliat Wina joget2, loncat2, &guling2 di sofa sambil ngeliat ke kaca itu..(krn di mlm hari, that big window turn out to be a big mirror.. ;P) lucu sekali ngeliat Wina tertawa riang sambil sesekali or sering kali looking to that big window aka. mirror..
hehehe..katanya siy bakat ini nurun dr mamanya tuwh.. hehehehe.. peace yo.. ^.^

Mar 27 2007